Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I can't say that my absence from this particular corner of the blogosphere can be excused. While I have had limited access to the internet this summer, it is also true that I have gotten mouthy with my fair share of sandwiches. At the very least I could have somehow maintained some kind of handwritten blog as a way to keep tabs on them all. At an occasion such as now, I could have relayed the messages from paper to text box, my fingers acting as some kind of Hermes (or for any Romans who may be reading, Mercury the turkey-legged jokester). Five pairs of winged feet dancing across the keypad to enrich you, the mere mortal with epic tales depicting my Herculean journey across an Elysium of treats housed in bread.

As it stands, there is no way I could offer a reader any proper account of the delights that have sated me this summer. Why don't I just write about a really shitty sandwich I had last week?

The place was New Seasons, which is the "neighborhood store" of my new neighborhood I just moved to two weeks ago. The neighborhood is called Portland. The main ingredient was curried chicken salad. I used to eat this kind of salad all the time and was really into it. On a sandwich, however, it did not live up! I think the fault lies with me. Thinking that the moistness level of the salad would be enough, (there is nothing I can stand less than a dry sandwich) I did not choose any other condiments. This mistake completely ruined my flavor experience. While I will never try this ingredient again, I can still admit who is at fault for this sub-par meal.

Other ingredients included: Provolone cheese, whole wheat bread, lettuce and cucumber. When I brought the sandwich back from the store an additional ingredient was added: a hot pepper c/o Tim's garden.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hey sandwich heads. Yesterday at the supermarket I thought about this great sandwich and today it became a reality. The concept of the sandwich was a "sweet and sour" kind of thing, by using sweet potatoes on sourdough bread. On the bottom half of the sandwich was a layer of hummus, and then a bed of greens which the sweet potatoes were nestled in. On top was a pile of sprouts and on the top half was a small layer of this great spread I got at T. Joe's which is a kind of eggplant and roasted red pepper spread. It's a miracle spread and I guess I reccomend it.

This sandwich was so great and I was surprised that the sweet and sour could actually be tasted and wasn't just a concept based on ingredient names. The sweet potatoes were thinly sliced into kind of strips, but I think I would like them to be thicker next time. Also, the potatoes were boiled before they got too soft and then cut and fried in a pan in olive oil.

I had water with it, but I think instead I would have liked some lemonade.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hi, guys. This is the first post to my blog where I talk about what sandwich I ate, what was on it, and how I rate it. I want to talk about the good sandwiches as well as the bad ones. The purpose of this personal forum is for me to build on sandwich making experience, and in order to grow one must embrace past mistakes as well as past success.

Today I tried a wrap from Terra Ve. Inside of the wrap, which was spinach flavored, I put shredded cheese, (what kind of cheese do they use there? Is it Kraft Single cheese, or something kind of like it? I always imagine colby jack but I don't think that is actually what it is.) beans, salsa, and jalepenos. I had to go really fast and I don't really know what the ingredients I can choose from are. The salsa is really watery, but I knew that going in to the deal. I like shredded cheese in a wrap-shaped sandwich a lot. I like all of the loose ingredients. Maybe if I could mix them all up together and put them in the wrap instead of the toppings being placed in layers. The wrap certainly did not have even distribution of inredients and things collected into pockets. I think I always overestimate the amount of spice I can take, but I was not distressed by the power of the jalepenos. Overall, I would say it's better than my usual terra ve fare but it was a non-sucessful sandwich. The bad points were for the most part easy to ignore but it could have been a lot better. Salsa was definitely a bad choice because of the amount of liquid, but good in that it gave the tastes of many ingredients. Maybe I could bring it home and throw on some Newman's salsa.

I also made some sandwiches with Alan later on that day. On a grill manned by Jason we threw on some "All American Burgers," some eggplant slices, and some mushrooms. In the ending stages of the grilling process Alan tossed on my buns, which had some sesame seeds on top. We put some Bulls Eye on the burgs and I also put some Frank's Red Hot. I never know how I feel about F's.R.H.. Either way, I didn't use enough today. I should have thought about doing multi-layering. Some sprouts were also introduced. They didn't really need to be there, but they added a crisp feeling. I was into it, I washed it down with some Mug.